A big Hi to all the Technology and Quantum computing enthusiasts out there. 

This is a first one of a series which will explore how the defense industry in each country is exploring quanatum computing from the publicly available information. 

It is said that if we want to see the latest cutting edge research go to the defense labs. 

Looks like DARPA is more focussed on the sensing part of the Quantum computing , they expect technologies like this can be used to effectively find out under ground tunnels and caves. 

They have already made worlds first Quantum network with around 10 nodes for Quantum Key Distribution(QKD). 

They have research going in to Quantum information processing with Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices also.

The below link is from DARPA , where there is multiple applications listed for quantum computing. Please follow the DARPA site for other exciting news. 
