About Us

Kanada was an Indian philosopher who lived thousands of years ago. Read about him and you would be surprised to see that he made assumptions about atoms also called paramanu. He envisaged the concepts about particles with and without mass. Also about particles with and without motion. He made a proposition about atoms combining to molecules. He was the first most popularly known among Indian Theoretical physicists. It reminds us that there were smart people everyhwere in this world at all ages. Only few get recognised and very few get rewarded.

This is a meeting place for smart people from all around the world. Lets discuss , share Ideas and brainstorm about what is going to change the fundamental nature of technological advances. That is the exciting field of Quantum Computing(QC).

Quantum Kanada wants to pioneer the process of finding , educating and empowering the bright minds who are aspiring to be part of this evolution.