A comparison of IBM Qubit by Qubit Course and NPTEL course on Quantum computing 

I have taken the IBM and Coding school Qubit by Qubit course in 2020 October to 2020 April. 
I took the NPTEL quantum computing couse from August 2021 to September 2021. 

First I should make this clear that IBM course spans over 2 semesters and NPTEL course was of 4 weeks duration.
IBM Qubit by Qubit course starts by fundementals and one whole semester is dedicated to mathematics. 
Definitely since the course targets high school and college students this is the way to go. 

The NPTEL course does not dwell upon Linear Algebra or any other pre requisites, you are supposed to get your fundementals right. 
The concepts like Unitary formalism are discussed in NPTEL , where as coding school keeps that concepts only triggerd not discussed. 

It start with the concepts , and go through derivations and shows the concepts being applied in the IBM Qiskit. 
The Week 1 itself covers Postulates of Quantum Mechanics proceeds through the different quantum algorithms and ends Week 4 with discussions on Quantum GANs 
and Quantum Error Correction. 
To be honest ,I got an intuitive understanding of error correction concepts like Syndrome now only though I have studied the same during graduation. 

Many educators in the Qubit by Qubit coding school are student researchers and we get to know diverse ways of understanding complex things. 
The educators in NPTEL are from Both Industry and IIT Professors. They keep your brain heated up during the lecture. 

I havent had a need to frequently relook at classes  at the coding school because there is lot of pauses and lot of analogies 
and lot of cool infographics were there to engrain the concepts. 

In NPTEL course each sentence spoken by the faulty has educational value and keeping a notebook with you is a must. 

The assignments in the NPTEL course were tougher than the coding school one. 
The coding school assignments can be solved mostly by rewatching the videos. 
But the NPTEL one requires extra reading and trying out things on the Qiskit and reading theory , solving matrices etc. 

The highest moment in the NPTEL course was the proctored exam. 

You will get a month for preparing the exam where you can re watch the videos and go through the lecture notes. 
But if you only depend ony on  the course material it is tough to pass. 
I have used the Nielsonand  Chung book and read the same concepts discussed in the lectures from the book. 
It helped me during the exam. 
IBM Qubit by Qubit evaluates you based on your attendance and the performance on the weekly assignemnts. 
So there is no Single Point Of Failure (SPOF) in the course , but in the NPTEL course if you could not score above 40 in the final exam 
you will not get a certificate. 

But the NPTEL course materials are available for any quantum enthusiast to self learn. 

I had to travel 100KMs for attending the Exam , and I could use the journey time for revision. 
If you are a student or reseacher , passing the NPTEL exam can actually be added to your academic credits depending on the criteria set by the university.
For working professionals the credit is only self credit :) .