Once I reached Netherlands , I was constantly comparing this country with my motherland. 

First thing which I can understand is that Infrastructure is the key to investment. But that should be planned infra structure. 
Like there should be a vision while building cities , Roads Technoparks etc which allows for scale and sustainable growth. 

Second thing is that not every one needs to be an engineer or doctor , but every one should get an opporunity to grow and explore what she/he wants. 

Third thing is that education should focus on cutting edge, and there should be courage and wisdom to promote ultra tech industries. 

Fourth is being Nationalistic in the case of adopting and promoting ultra tech companies. Understand that , The algorithms , The hardware , software  which ever is unique and made in India will make India self reliant. 

Fifth is about the courses being taught and the future scope of the same. 
I could see the major Areas where Developed nations are Heading is , 

1. Nuclear Fusion 

2. Quantum Computing

3. Photonics

4. Nano Technology

5. Brain inspired computing and Implants

6. Renewable energy based vehicles

7. Smaller Flying machines also renewable energy based.

8. All digital economy. 

More and more children should be oriented towards these fields, catch them young should be the motto. They could be from any where , irrespective of  their environment. If a bright student is there try to orient him/her towards high tech and Entrepreneurship. 
so If we plan to have a bright future , where situation of the common man improves ,should adopt a multi pronged approach. 
Say If there is an issue of Drinking water in a village and people have to spend hours for that task alone , we cannot expect them  to do some higher end agriculture or any thing more productive than mere sustenance. 

One side we have to grow the high tech industries , other side we have to keep improving the basic infra structure in the Villages.  Also cities need to be expanded than trying to fit in more skyscrappers in an unplanned way. 
Also people should be more oriented towards the brain games , like solving puzzles or lego blocks should be introduced earlier in pan india  school syllabus. 

Importance of staying fit cannot be undermined. A fitness culture should be there without any gender ,age or cultural barrier. 

Related to Defense technologies , there should be private players who can actually do the cutting edge work , than doing the ToT.  I would cherish ,if we can have a Raytheon , or Lockheed or Rafael from our soil. 

This is not at all impossible , we have many Indian companies and business groups which can spear head a great high tech revolution. 

If only they can think above the next quarter profits , it is definitely possible.