Stone Ghost Five Eyes and Quantum Supremacy 

I am not playing a word game here. 
The article is about mass surveilance , Military Intelligance and Quantum Computing. 
Also my doubts about wikipedia that it might be acting as a tool for getting information about things 
otherwise would be locked away in highly confidential chambers. 

In interesting ways we stumble across things. 
How many of you know about the Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance by 
"Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States."
I also did not know untill I was searching about mass surveilance programs and military intelligence networks. 
Stone Ghost is a dedicated network used by few countries to share strategic information. 

If you search for Stone Ghost online  you will get few information online. 
But if you search for Mass Surveliance program by the Indian Government you will get detailed information 
about the project , program , persons involved which all DRDO labs got awards etc!! 
Military secrets should not be used for highlighting political success since it becomes easy to target those involved. 
If you read the analysis by the Hudson institute you will get an Idea about how important Quantum computing is for becoming 
or atleast keeping the strategic edge. Here they mention why the Five Eyes should focus on getting Quantum Supremacy and 
how china is far ahead of othes in realising the strategic edge.

Adding to that if we search for DRDO NETRA , we get publically available wiki articles about Indias own mass surveilance programs. 
The worrying part is about name of persons involved , etc etc. 
I am not sure who authors these article , but certainly not a good sign compared to the secrecy maintained by other nations. 
Like If you search for Stone Ghost you will rarely get information on some one who has worked on it. 
Pegasus is for politicial discussions, tech enthusiasts already know that Signal Intelligence is long there and has a history of 
close to 60 years!!