Peter Wittek was a faculty at University of Torronto 

For those how doesnt know him they can read his memoir in

For those who want to know more about creative destruction which he founded here

He is also author of an important book on the subject of data mining with quantum computing. 
Quantum Machine Learning: What Quantum Computing Means to Data Mining

The purpose of this article is to touch upon the companies and application areas which he mentions 
in his famous interview at rotman

The sentences are mostly directly adopted from the article and we are making a list out of it for quick summary. 

1. Protein-Qure, working on folding proteins with quantum computers
2. Agnostic, which is doing encryption and obfuscation for quantum computers
3. EigenMed,Primary care using quantum enhanced sampling algorithms 
4. Entropica Labs,Working on Quantum genomics 
5. Black Brane , Quantum Edge compuing and Quantum cloud computing 
6. Xanadu , Cloud accessible Photonic Quantum computers 

You can see what an insightful leader and academic he was from his writing. 
He was keen to build the ecosystem around quantum computing in Canada. 

Though He has done enough work to keep his ideas and vision alive through his contributions. 

Quantum Open Source foundations has dedicated a prize in his name.

His demise is  a great loss to the communiy.