In super conducting type of Qubits the cryo refrigerator plays an important role. 
The general method of cooling a super conducting Qubit is using a mixture of Helium 3 and Helium 4. 
Now there is a catch , Helium 3 is very very hard to produce and procure. 
Chemgas which is a supplier in france is a world leader in this.
And those who are interested to now more about Helium 3 and its production visiting this site will help much.

Regarding Helilum 4 , all over the world there are mainly  7  sites which produce Helium 4 , The top 3 being 
located in Qatar , USA and Algeria. The current Heilum supplies are already struggling to meet the world demand.  

Now IBM has been able to make one of the biggest Crayo Refrigerators in the world called Golden Eye , but as the eco system develops and 
in case the super conducting Qubits become the way to go forward there will be need for bigger and better Cryo refrigerators. 
The cryogenic technology for making this refrigerators are limited to a few companies and countries. 
In a way this will lead to a situation that the wide spread adoption of super conducting quantum computers will not be possible.
Of course they will be available through the cloud and will be installed at select locations , but thats it !! 

So if you can have super conducting Qubits without the Cryo refrigerators things can change , this might be a good point about 
room temperature super conductors or something close to that.