The Books for learning Quantum computing can be classified as three types. 


Truly Hardware Oriented 

One focusses on the Hardware and Foundational Electronics and Control circuits required for Building a Quantum computer. This is for you if you like to know about Josephson junctions and magnetic and electric field circulations. 

1. The SQUID Handbook: Fundamentals and Technology of SQUIDs and SQUID Systems Volume 1 

2. The SQUID handbook. Vol. 2. Applications of SQUIDs and SQUID systems

both of the books are written by Alex I. Braginski and John Clarke

Truly Software Oriented 

if you want to learn the algorithms and things like BB84 Quantum Key Distribution this is the best place.  

1.Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang

Hybrid kind of Books 

Books which discusses both foundations , hardware and software in a comprehensive way.If you want to purchase only one book and want to get a full broader picture of the Quantum computing ecosystem 

1. Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach by Jack Hidary


Feel free to add your favorite quantum resources in the comments.