The design of a dilution refrigerator is a crucial thing to sustain a super conducting Quantum computer. 
Since super conductivity is depending on the Cooling power of the Dilution refrigerator. As we all studied 
in the school there are endhothermic and exothermic reactions and the dilution refrigeration uses the endothermic reactions as the basis of super cooling the contents inside it. Now there are methods being probed to cool the devices using magnetic field and once it beocomes a success may be we are going to miss the large crayo coolers and dilution refrigerators being seen in those Quantum computing labs. The underlying message is very clear with the following key words. 
Exothermic and Endothemic reacion , Photon electron interaction , Hilbert spaces and Hamiltionian operators, New molecule discovery etc etc. 

See this link from Bluefors to know more about the Dilution refrigerator and Super coolong.

Start reading science and math seriously if you want to get to the bottom or top  of the things which are Quantum.